Report Inquiry - Evolving Plug-in and Hybrid Vehicle Thermal Management
Battery, Drive, and Comfort Hardware/Software Technologies and Market Impact
Published June 2023
Format: Paper copy of the Report and four user specific licenses for use of the secured online PDF
There are many thermal topologies for electrified vehicles today. This is understandable given the urgency to get new electrified powertrains into production and the relatively limited and immature components and software available. Therefore, thermal systems are not optimized but some companies are further along the evolutionary path. Key deliverables of this report include roadmaps for market and technical developments toward more idealized thermal hardware and software over the next ten years.
ITB’s research examines the latest electrified vehicle thermal systems, including energy storage (batteries), electric drives, power electronics, and cabin thermal systems. We outline optimized states for electric powertrain segments with a particular focus on BEVs. OEMs are taking different paths in the short to medium term. Hardware must be integrated, but how and by whom? Advanced software and control improvements offer particularly high value but have numerous barriers to wider commercialization. The report shows how development priorities will change over time and how companies throughout the supply chain are innovating. ITB quantifies value improvement potential and compares cost and value of different approaches.
Target topics of this research include:
- Market trends, projections, and shares for technologies and suppliers
- Volume projections for thermal segments and components 2023-2033
- Supply chain evolution (OEMs, and supplier strategies to compete)
- Energy/thermal demand differences by powertrain / segment (including pick-up trucks)
- Value of thermal management for improving power delivery and energy consumption
- Cost and mass of thermal systems across powertrains and OEMs
- Battery thermal design for improved performance / charging at lower cost
- Electric machine and power electronics thermal advancements
- Passenger comfort technology development and impacts
- Thermal system integration and materials development for lower cost and mass
- Battery thermal integration particularly for CTP and CTC designs
- Software / controls developments: value, opportunities, barriers, and priorities
ITB examines the market potential over time for state-of-the-art technologies and assesses emerging approaches. The report analyzes how benefits and costs affect technology value propositions and commercialization rates. Feedback from Asian, European, and North American OEMs and suppliers are incorporated. This twelfth automotive thermal management report by The ITB Group expands on prior thermal management research with the latest priorities and roadmaps for thermal hardware and software, including a new range extension technology valuation methodology.
The ITB Group offers a dynamic two-pronged approach for highlighting developments and analyses pertaining to automotive thermal management. The key elements of ITB’s approach include:
- Industry-Funded Report - State-of-the-art vehicle thermal systems and new developments for global markets. Supply chain analysis includes summaries of leading companies involved in thermal systems, their market positioning and areas of expertise and innovation.
- Supplemental Updates - One year of ongoing updates concerning developments in vehicle thermal systems including materials, technology, market, and supply base developments.
For questions or more information please contact Mr. Sean Osborne, Vice President at
Image Sources: The ITB Group